What’s the trait you value most about yourself?

The lack of fear to challenge even the most senior of individuals is a trait I probably value most.

Sometimes viewed as “speaking truth to power” ; it is often treated with exasperation, or viewed as “being difficult”. I pursue the approach in order to ensure what leads me is built on rock rather than whim and personal prejudice not substantiated by evidence.

Few in leadership positions are comfortable with behaviour like this, that is to their detriment. Used properly, it can be the route to building resilience and strengthening an organisation. Often it is mis viewed as being of “the awkward brigade” or even worse: a threat to the position of power.

I’ve never diluted my approach to bringing challenge as it tests quite quickly the security of the position holder, and wether respect is due.

I have always proved that in order to solve problems you first have to ask the right questions about it. When we do, we are always at least half way to overcoming ‘the problem’.

Leadership models that adopt me have always succeeded and perform beyond expectations, but it appears to need leadership of security in position that is in a minority. This trait of asking awkward questions also tends to accelerate off loading at the earliest need of “right sizing exercises”.

Whether you feel secure or not with someone who has the ability to ask questions about you, you’re going to require challenge sooner than later to develop properly in order to sustain any initial success you may gather.

Some organisations make use ( almost continually ) of consulting organisations to reflect back at them. An expensive indulgence, it rarely goes beyond the immediate boundaries you have chosen for your organisation. It also presupposes the consultation you have engaged is sufficiently secure in it’s own resource to fundamentally challenge anything that has become a sacred même

Love us or loath us, eventually you have to engage us. We are not the easiest of coworkers to exist with, but we accelerate progress.

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